
The benefits of scheduled Maintenance Programme include:
Modern Facility Services Limited
We also focus on the below-mentioned aspects:
Plant/Asset Management

As part of the maintenance agreement, we will provide asset management services for all the plants mentioned in the deal, and also additional ones that you would like to add in future.

Asset management is the art of making the right decisions, and optimizing the physical asset life cycle, thus minimizing the life cost and risk involved in business continuity. In order to make the right decisions, owners and operators need data that is fit for the purpose and represented in an accurate and timely manner.

Proactive asset management not only provides in-depth reporting and analysis, which can provide a better foundation for decision making but will also help identify critical assets and areas of vulnerability.

We offer asset management services that will furnish you with a holistic view of what your organization owns (or leases), where it is located, what state it is in and when it should next be serviced or replaced. We aim to extract the maximum productivity from the asset and minimise the total cost of ownership.

Our Asset Management Service includes:

Asset Identification & Data Collection

We offer free labeling and identification of your assets while we are on your site for routine maintenance work with minimal disruption to your business.

Asset Lifecycle Analysis

The cumulative data is collected over a period of time as part of our asset management services. This will eventually provide you a true history of every asset on your site. This will allow you to make more informed decisions on whether it will be more cost effective to maintain, overhaul or replace a failing asset.

Experienced Professionals

We employ trade qualified Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Electricians, Fitters, Installers and HVAC technicians. The director is himself a trade qualified professional who formulated a standard operating procedure for every kind of work undertaken by the company. We work alongside recognized and reputable suppliers, energy management organizations, consulting engineers and architects to deliver premium services.

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